Time in Vienna, Austria:

  1. Local Time
  2. Cities List
  3. Time in Vienna, Austria

Information on this page:

Austria - National Flag:

Flag of Austria Vienna is a city in Austria. The National flag of Austria is displayed on the side.

Pictures of Vienna

Here are some pictures from the most popular places in Vienna:
Pictures of Vienna

Location of Vienna

The geographical location of Vienna helps us locate it using navigation systems (like GPS) using it's latitude and longitude coordinates. Here are the loation coordinates of Vienna:
Location of Vienna48°12′32″N 16°22′21″E

Time in Vienna - Translations:

We offer translations of the information on this page about time in Vienna in the following languages:

Vienna - Time Zone:

  • The time zone of Vienna (Austria) is GMT+1

Time in Vienna, Austria:

What time is it in Vienna | Time in Vienna | Local Time in Vienna | Current time in Vienna | Vienna Time Zone | Vienna Clock

 Saturday, 22 February 2025

Information about Vienna, Austria

Vienna (pronounced /viːˈɛnə/; German: Wien [ˈviːn]) is the capital of the Republic of Austria and one of the nine states of Austria. Vienna is Austria's primary city, with a population of about 1.7 million[1] (2.3 million within the metropolitan area,[citation needed] which means more than 25% of Austria's population), and is by far the largest city in Austria, as well as its cultural, economic, and political centre. It is the 10th largest city by population in the European Union. Vienna is host to many major international organizations such as the United Nations and OPEC. Vienna lies in the east of Austria and is close to the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. In 2001, the city centre was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site[2] and in 2005 an Economist Intelligence Unit study of 127 world cities ranked it first equal with Vancouver for the quality of life.[3] This assessment was mirrored by the Mercer Survey in 2009.[4][5]

What time is it in Vienna - Information:

This information about Vienna in Austria is designed to provide information to the world community about the time in Vienna. Nowadays, is extremely important to coordinate Time Zones and hours difference between the various cities around the world for successful business relationships. Therefore, by taking into consideration the local time in Vienna you can communicate more successfully with people in Austria, by the local time in Vienna. Moreover, This page is meant to answer various questions about the Vienna time and Vienna clock or Austria time. For example:

  • What is the time in Vienna?
  • What time is in Vienna?
  • What is the local time in Vienna?
  • Current time in Vienna
  • Vienna - Current time
  • What is the time zone of Vienna?
  • Vienna Clock - What is it?
  • Vienna Time - What is?
It is also important to note that this page displays current information about the Current time in Vienna and local time in Vienna.