Time in Brasov, Romania:

  1. Local Time
  2. Cities List
  3. Time in Brasov, Romania

Information on this page:

Romania - National Flag:

Flag of Romania Brasov is a city in Romania. The National flag of Romania is displayed on the side.

Pictures of Brasov

Here are some pictures from the most popular places in Brasov:
Pictures of Brasov

Location of Brasov

The geographical location of Brasov helps us locate it using navigation systems (like GPS) using it's latitude and longitude coordinates. Here are the loation coordinates of Brasov:
Location of Brasov45°40′N 25°37′E

Time in Brasov - Translations:

We offer translations of the information on this page about time in Brasov in the following languages:

Brasov - Time Zone:

  • The time zone of Brasov (Romania) is GMT+2

Time in Brasov, Romania:

What time is it in Brasov | Time in Brasov | Local Time in Brasov | Current time in Brasov | Brasov Time Zone | Brasov Clock

 Sunday, 9 March 2025

Information about Brasov, Romania

Brașov (Romanian pronunciation: [braˈʃov] (About this sound listen), Latin: Corona, German: Kronstadt, Transylvanian Saxon: Kruhnen, Hungarian: Brassó) is a city in Romania and the administrative centre of Brașov County.
According to the latest Romanian census (2011), Brașov has a population of 253,200 making it the 7th most populous city in Romania. The metropolitan area is home to 382,896 residents.[1]
Brașov is located in the central part of the country, about 166 kilometres (103 miles) north of Bucharest and 380 kilometres (236 miles) from the Black Sea. It is surrounded by the Southern Carpathians and is part of the Transylvania region.
The city is notable for being an important centre of Transylvanian Saxons in the past, and a large commercial hub on the trade roads between East and West. It is also the birthplace of the national anthem of Romania.

What time is it in Brasov - Information:

This information about Brasov in Romania is designed to provide information to the world community about the time in Brasov. Nowadays, is extremely important to coordinate Time Zones and hours difference between the various cities around the world for successful business relationships. Therefore, by taking into consideration the local time in Brasov you can communicate more successfully with people in Romania, by the local time in Brasov. Moreover, This page is meant to answer various questions about the Brasov time and Brasov clock or Romania time. For example:

  • What is the time in Brasov?
  • What time is in Brasov?
  • What is the local time in Brasov?
  • Current time in Brasov
  • Brasov - Current time
  • What is the time zone of Brasov?
  • Brasov Clock - What is it?
  • Brasov Time - What is?
It is also important to note that this page displays current information about the Current time in Brasov and local time in Brasov.